Cookie Policy

Welcome to Primia Parts, the #1 distributor of genuine car parts and accessories for premium cars in Africa.

Primia Parts Cookie Policy

Understanding Cookies

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small data files placed on your device to improve your experience with our services. They help us recognise you, remember your preferences, and understand how you interact with Primia Parts.

Types of Cookies We Use

  1. First-Party Cookies:
    Essential for providing a personalised experience on Primia Parts, remembering you during your session.
  2. Session Cookies:
    Temporary and removed once you log out or close the browser. Essential for site functionality and performance.
  3. Consent Cookies:
    Track your preferences regarding third-party cookies, ensuring compliance with legal obligations.
  4. Analytics Cookies:
    Enable us to improve our services by analysing user interaction and performance. We use anonymised data for research and reporting.
  5. Third-Party Cookies (Advertising and Affiliate Links):
    Used by our partners for targeted advertising and to track affiliate link interactions. These cookies may collect data about your activities online.

Your Personal Data and Cookies

  • Collected Data:
    Cookies collect data like device ID, IP address, browser type, operating system, and interaction with our services.
  • Use of Data:
    This data helps us understand user preferences, improve user experience, and manage our services efficiently.

Your Choices

  • Disabling Cookies:
    Most browsers allow you to disable cookies, but this may affect your experience with our services.
  • Managing Preferences:
    You can manage your cookie preferences by contacting us at or visiting the provided opt-out links.
  • Consent Revisiting:
    You can change your consent choices at any time.

Compliance and User Rights (EEA and UK Users)

  • Legal Bases for Processing:
    We process your data based on legitimate interests, consent, or as required for contract performance.
  • User Rights:
    You have the right to access, correct, delete your personal data, and withdraw consent. Exercise these rights through our Request Portal or contact us at hello@Primia

United States Privacy Rights

  • Additional Rights:
    Includes rights to deletion, access, correction, non-discrimination, and opting out of data sale or sharing.
  • Exercising Rights:
    Manage your preferences via our Services or contact us at

Changes to Policy

  • We may update this policy to reflect changes in our practices and services. We encourage you to periodically review this policy for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding our Cookie Policy, please contact us at

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